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New Year’s Resolutions for the Classroom

It’s that time of year again! New Year’s resolutions are a great way for people to reflect on the past year and set goals for the future. But why should adults have all the fun?

A classroom setting features a poster titled "New Year's Resolutions for the Classroom" above two desks. Bright bags hang from the chairs, adding a splash of color. The website www.mollylynch.com is displayed prominently.

This year, try also setting some New Year’s resolutions for your K-2 classrooms. Share these New Year’s resolutions with your youngest learners. Keep scrolling to grab these resolutions

I will make my classroom a safe place to learn and share.

Introduce the idea of a “safe space” in your classroom. A safe space is a place where people feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions. School should always be a safe place to share ideas. For our youngest learners, start the New Year by modeling how to share ideas and also give one another positive feedback.

I will listen and follow directions.

In the New Year, promote active listening. Begin by modeling how to be a good listener. First, students have a conversation with a partner. Next, have the partners share what they heard with the class. The conversations can be simple or even silly. Have them share about their favorite foods or mythical creatures.

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Of course, sometimes it’s hard for primary students to follow directions. Multi-step directions can be even more difficult. In the New Year, revisit procedures and routines, and break down specific directions. Also, have your students practice listening and following directions until everyone gets it right. They can also help each other out in a positive way!

I will be kind to others.

My class mantra has always been, “Be kind”! In the New Year, have your students share what it means to “be kind” to one another. It’s OK to get frustrated with each other, but leading with kindness is always preferred.

Demonstrate ways to show kindness every day in your classroom, even when it’s hard. First, teach your students about the power of words. Next, explain that words can hurt feelings or make someone happy. Finally, give some examples of kind words they can use even when they are feeling frustrated.

I will work hard every day in my classroom.

Start the new year with a growth mindset. Teach your students positive language like instead of “I can’t do it” try “I’m not quite there yet.” This encourages students to work hard even when things are tough.

I will cooperate and work as a team.

We always work better together! In the New Year, encourage your students to work as a team. They can help each other with schoolwork, be supportive friends, and also share ideas.

I will take care of our classroom.

Things can get pretty messy in a primary classroom. Teach your students how to take care of their belongings and the materials in their classroom. This year, help your students set a goal to keep their classroom clean and tidy. It might even be fun to have a “Classroom Clean-Up Day” once a month!

Also, encourage students to be responsible for their own belongings. This can be a difficult task for some primary students. Talk about why it’s important to take care of our things, so they last longer. Model how to properly care for things and have students practice with their own belongings. This will help them to be more responsible in the future.

As you can see, these resolutions focus on the positive behaviors that we want to encourage in our classrooms. Students are used to a new year starting with a clean slate. This is their time to create their own classroom culture and set goals for themselves.

Want the fun poster to hang in your classroom? Grab it below!

You can have it printed inexpensively as an engineer print at your local Staples or favorite print shop!

If you’re looking for a way to extend the conversation, have your students write down their own resolutions that they would like to accomplish this year along with these New Year’s resolutions for the primary classroom.

I’ve shared lots of fun New Year’s Activities & Worksheet ideas here! They’ll make an adorable display, will give your students a chance to share their resolutions, and sneak in a bit of writing!

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