I’m baaaaaaccccck! Whew – what a vacation! JB and I finished our East Coast adventure with a trip to NYC. My goodness is that a big {and busy} city! We walked A LOT! 20K steps works out to about 8.5 miles… and that was only at 8 p.m.!

We found two bars with some very special names!

We played tourist, exploring just about every neighborhood {or so it seemed!}

And of course, shopped! It was an absolutely fabulous trip!

The long plane rides, bus trip and East Coast/West Coast time change gave me some extra time to work on my latest project!
Introducing… the B.A.T. Book for Early Finishers – Activities for Early Finishers!
I’ve found that first grade can be tricky – kids are finishing projects & assignments at all different times. What are early finishers to do while they wait? Pull out their B.A.T. Book!

B.A.T. stands for Brain’s Always Thinking! Using this book, your students can complete a variety of fun & appealing activities as they finish their work or can sneak in a few minutes of Free Time!
For each child, you’ll photocopy the pages back to back, add the cover of your choice and bind it all together! Students keep their B.A.T. Book inside their own desks so it’s always ready to go!

Each of these three {editable} covers are included! Simple directions for each activity make it easy for students to complete on their own. Kids can track their progress in their B.A.T. Book with the Progress Page in the front of their books.

The B.A.T. Book is filled with 90 Common Core Math & Language Art Activities to challenge and engage your students!

Check it out on the Lucky Store!
Want to try it out first? Grab the B.A.T. Book Sampler!
27 Responses
I LOVE this! I have just always had copies PD worksheets in a folder for my early finishers but this is so much better! I have nannyed all summer so no vacations. We took a 7 day cruise over spring break to the Caribbean so I can't complain. But this summer I did travel home to chapin sc for my 10 year High school reunion! That was a blast. Cannot believe I'm that old though!
Love the B.A.T. Book! My family and I went everywhere this summer! We went to Vegas and Chicago! Amazing cities! Would love to see New York someday!
My favorite part of the summer has been just chilling on my couch and reading WAY too many teacher blogs!
My favorite part of summer is that it isn't over yet! NYC is great- I live near Philly but still go to NYC more!
Everyone deServes to Learn
Uh OH I don't have a 1st day outfit yet!! Adding that to my list. 🙂
I love this!!! Thanks for sharing!!
What an amazing product! I love the name! I need some patience for b2s too…my kiddos have stolen it all this summer! Ann Curry is gone from the Today Show? What? I guess it's obvious I now watch Dora in the morning! Again congrats on getting this awesome product out in the world!
And my hotlink…cause I'm so hot!
A Burst of First
Your BAT book idea is awesome, and just what I've been looking for! One of my biggest challenges with my first grade cuties is keeping them engaged and busy – this is ideal! I'm hoping to win a copy, but pinning it just in case!
Oh, my favorite part of summer is not having that "Sunday night" feeling so I can relax!
I love how all the activities are bound together and a check off sheet! Awesome Idea. My favorite summer activity has been watching my oldest son (age 9) play on a travel summer baseball team. He pitched for the first time almost at the end of the season and when he struck out the last batter to end the inning he had a smile from coast to coast. It was awesome!
Katie G.
The BAT book looks like a blast! And the cover is so stinkin' cute!
My favorite part of this summer has been all the time I've spent with my family–I've been to Buffalo to visit my sister and we're moving my other sister to the D.C. area this weekend. Later this month, we'll be celebrating my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary!
I live in New York and have never been to California, but am heading there next week for a wedding. I can't wait! So far the best part of my summer was a week at the beach with my husband and two beautiful, wonderful children. I still have lots more summer ahead – we don't go back until after Labor Day!
Hi Molly,
Your new product looks GREAT! I'll pin it on my Back to School board. 🙂 I've always wanted to take a little trip to New York! 🙂
Crayonbox Learning
Awesome B.A.T unit!!!!!
My favorite part of this summer is sleeping late, catching up on some reading and watching TV anytime!!!
How did you get the FB pop-up window to come first when coming to your site? That is so cool! Thanks for stopping by my blog : ) Yes, I've been writing children's books for almost 4 years. I have about a dozen manuscripts, but trying to break in the publishing world is challenging.Kids Math Teacher
I have never been to NYC but would LOVE to go!Kimberly AnnLive, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
I still have 3 weeks of vacation, too! I feel so bad for everyone already going back! I just got back from Chicago and would love to go to NYC! I read Teach Like a Pirate and the Leader in Me this summer (school related). I am currently reading Beautiful Day by Elin Hilderbrand. I would actually recommend all of her books!
Your B.A.T. books look amazing! Those early finishers definitely need something to help them keep from distracting the others. We haven't been able to travel this summer, so a last minute trip to Branson, Missouri was a much need vacation.
I just found your blog through the Currently linky! I love your B.A.T. books. They look awesome! My favorite part of summer was my trip to the Oregon coast with my hubby. Just getting away with that sweet guy melts my heart 🙂 I hope that the rest of your summer vaca is great.
Mrs. Holder’s First Grade
I am so glad to hear you had a fabulous trip! I love the red strappy shoes too! I am starting to read Chris Biffle's "Whole Brain" book that just recently came out. I also hear that Frixion pens are all the rage!!! I am going shopping tomorrow to find some!Let's enjoy those last few weeks before it all begins!Cheers!JulieMs. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
My favorite part of summer has been moving into our first house!
Since I have had zero time to work on school stuff this summer I bought your BAT book. Thanks for all the hard work. See you soon.
My favorite part of this summer is that I got to read a lot and visit family.
It looks like you had an amazing trip! I have always felt like I lived in Boston in a past life as well but have never made a visit out there…on my bucket list! I just bought your B.A.T Book, it looks like a great way to keep those early finishers engaged, I cannot wait to try it. I have a book trilogy suggestion for you. I just finished the first 2 books in the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness. The first book is A Discovery of Witches and is fab! Unfortunately, she hasn't finished the third book yet, but I highly recommend it! Welcome home!
I'm so glad you stopped by me, and I found you!! I LOVE this B.A.T. book! No more "what do I do now" book. Did you use it in the past? Did students rush through their work to do the B.A.T.?
Go Fourth and Inspire
I LOVE the B.A.T book!! My kids would love to have this at their desks 😉
I enjoyed spending time at the mountains and reading a few 'teacher' books.
My Second Sense