So, I am NOT a football fan at all. Don’t believe me? Check out the picture below. During playoff excitement, JB and I went to our local sports bar to check out the games.

However, I had work to do. I really wanted to finish up some work…not spend my entire afternoon in the bar watching a sport I don’t care about {and more honestly, don’t understand!}

So, this was me in the {very crowded} bar…using my laptop while “watching the game.”
But, I realize that the excitement of the Big Game is real for kids and teachers. So, on this football-less Sunday {hallelujah}, I whipped up this little freebie for you sweet people.

And if you want to slip a little more football into learning, snag the Football Task Cards over in my store!
9 Responses
Love this Molly! I know the kids will too. So often I feel like stuff it cutesy and girlish…The boys are in for a treat.
A Burst of First
I love the graph. Thanks for making something for us football "fans". lol
Thank you for sharing!!! Love it!!!!
This is super cute and would be fun to do with my class. Unfortunately, I live a state that is sending a team to the Superbowl, so I don't think there will be enough spots on the graph (which is causing me to chuckle at the moment). Absolutely, love that you brought your laptop to the bar!
Teacher Gone Digital
The only day this family watches football is Superbowl night. Thank goodness I married a guys who hates TV 🙂 I have to say bringing a laptop to a bar is the coolest idea.
My Second Sense
I love the graph and can't wait to use it with my students this week! Thank you so much! I also don't want the game, and don't really plan on even watching the Super Bowl next weekend!
Mrs. 3rd Grade
Love that you brought your laptop to a bar! Sara :)The Colorful Apple
Oh, I LOVE football and so do my kiddos! Unfortunately, I lost interest in this NFL season after my Saints got knocked out of the playoffs by Seattle…but I digress. I'll definitely be watching the Super Bowl, if for no other reason than to be able to discuss the commercials the next day, haha! Thanks for the awesome freebie!Sarah BethMiss White's Classroom
Thanks so much for sharing!