There are two types of children – a child who will share absolutely every detail that happened throughout the day and a child who will share nothing. I’d bet that most children fall into the latter category! I’m sure you’ve also had parents in your classroom say that their child tells them nothing and they have no clue what happens each day! So, I’m here to help out. I’m sharing 25 Questions to Ask Your Child for you to send home with your families!

Why You Need These 25 Questions
The first question that sneaks out of my mouth when I pick up Luke each day is, “How was your day?”
And guess what the answer is? “Fine!”
FINE? I am sending you to school each day for it to be just fine?! So a few months ago I set out to create a list of alternative questions to ask him to elicit a more exciting answer 🙂
I realized that once I got him chatting, he would not stop! He just needed a bite-sized question to get the convo going.
Instead of simply asking him the general, “How was your day?” I try to focus on something specific such as, “What book did your teacher read to you?” or “What was the hardest part of your day?”

Once Luke answers this question, it tends to open up a bigger conversation and gives me a greater insight into what actually went on at school.

Grab the Questions for Your Parents
Want to share these ideas with your students’ families at Back to School Night {or slip into your take home folders}?
Grab these tips in a printable to send home! Click the picture below to grab this list!

You can either print these 25 Questions to Ask Your Child onto a piece of brightly colored paper or even send home a laminated copy for families to hang on their fridge to reference each day.
At Back to School Night, encourage families to use these questions as a jumping-off point for nightly convos about the day. Your parents will feel more connected to their children, as well as your classroom!
Looking for other ways to keep your parents informed of what’s happening in your classroom to make asking these questions specific to your classroom?
Check out this post on Bridging the Home-School Connection for lots of tips & tricks {and of course freebies!}

And if you’re looking for other ideas to send home to parents, make sure to check out this post all about developing a love of reading at home.