Want to add FUN to your Math block?

Favorite Apps for the Classroom!

As you may know, I’m a HUGE tech nerd. I love gadgets and gizmos of all types for my classroom! I am super fortunate to work in a district where technology is embraced and encouraged.

In each of our classrooms, we have a set of six iPads.  I use our iPads during Daily 5, as well as during our Math time. There are so many great apps out there that it can be overwhelming! So here’s a list of my favorite apps for the classroom!

Related Reading: iPad Classroom Organization Hack

In my classroom, we use the Smart Cookie Math paper and pencil program to work on our math fact fluency. Parents were always asking, “How can I help my child at home?” In this digital age, an app was my solution!

So I have a very own app: Smart Cookie Math! The app mirrors the program exactly! So, when a child may need some extra practice on Level 6, they can use Level 6 on the app to squeeze in a little practice!

6 Responses

  1. I love your Smart Cookie math app and have had my eye on it for some time! The News-O-Matic app is new to me and it looks adorable! Thank you for your great suggestions, I can't wait to watch my kids' faces when I tell them they will be reading the newspaper today!

    Teach Talk Inspire

  2. What a great list! I am so impressed as well with your app and program. I have wishlisted both as I think my students would love to master their facts that way. I would love to here more about how you created it!

  3. I've been droooooling over the Touchtronic Letters and Numbers! My kiddos would go bananas. We love the Handwriting Without Tears Wet Dry Try app. Brainpopjr also has an app which is fun and has a free weekly video if you don't have a subscription. I'm off to check out all of your suggestions!

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