I’m always looking for different ways to get my students to review the math concepts I’ve taught! And more importantly, I want them to be as engaged as possible!
So, I’ve created a new product to accomplish both. Drumroll, please…Beat the Clock is here for just that! Beat the clock is a series of digital review games that are a highly motivating way to get students to practice important foundational Math & Language Arts skills.
Beat the Clock is a series of PowerPoint presentations that involve students actively working right along with the slideshow!
Related: Missing Addends Game
To start, everyone gets a recording sheet. I’ve included two options in each pack – choose which works best for you!
This Beat the Clock recording sheet allows students to check if they are right or wrong…once the answer is revealed!
When all of the students are ready, you turn the PowerPoint presentation on…and off they go! It’ll run on its own, so you can roam the classroom and check in on your little learners.
Check out Beat the Clock in action!
Beat the Clock gives students 10 seconds to write the answer on their recording sheet. A few seconds later, the answer pops up on the next slide.
Students record their answers as the problems appear. Then, they check to see if it’s right or wrong!
The slides are editable {for most of the skills}, so you can change the problems and/or timing to meet the needs of your students.
The best part? These Beat the Clock Digital Games are no prep but very motivating!
Let me know how your students like these beat the clock game ideas!