You know I can’t resist a good brain game in the classroom! Turns out, my students can’t either!

Months ago I introduced Sudoku in our Math Games rotations. Kids couldn’t get enough of these low-prep activities!
I switch the games out depending on the season to keep it fresh.
Fall Sudoku

Winter Sudoku

Spring Sudoku

Summer Sudoku

I’ve included both colored and black and white versions of the puzzles so you can pick what works best!
In my classroom, I laminate the boards and the movable pieces so they can be reused. However, others have told me that they print out the black and white version and invite students to glue down their answers. They would be a great addition to homework!
To save paper, try printing multiple pages of the PDF onto one page. You can easily adjust this in Preview on a Mac or Adobe!
Go snag Seasons of Sudoku! Or, grab any season: Fall, Winter, Spring or Summer!