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What’s For Dinner?

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not a cook. I pin a ton of yummy recipes. I rip easy to make recipes from magazines. I snap photos of recipes from cookbooks.

However, I rarely make anything! I don’t cook for a very simple reason – I can’t stand the grocery store! Seriously, I walk in with grand plans and usually walk out with pita chips, wine, and chocolate chips – a meal this does not make!

But this year, that’s gonna change! I’m going to use my wicked-good teacher organizing skills and plan meals! And then do what I do best…make a list!

So, when I pop into Trader Joe’s next week, I will walk out proudly with enough groceries to actually cook a few meals! Who’s with me?

You can grab the Print & Go Meal Planner by signing up below!

Cheers to healthy meals this year!

Oh, and if you’re looking for an easy way to save money this year, check out the super simple Money Savings Challenge!

6 Responses

  1. I LOVE this Molly! Thanks so much for sharing! Good luck on cooking! I never liked to cook myself but have found myself cooking over the past few years more and more now that I'm married. I'd still rather bake – lol!

  2. Colorful and inviting to help me KEEP my resolution for this year! HEALTHY!!! Thank you for the beautiful freebie!Deb at Fabulously First

  3. If you swapped the chocolate chips for hummus, you WOULD have a dinner, at least in my mind!

    I am blessed with a hubby who cooks during the school year and I take over for the summer. So even though we eat the same things a lot, that is fine with me!

    Your shopping list is so pretty…mine are usually on the back of an envelope!

  4. This is great… exactly what I need to keep me on track. I know how you feel- the grocery store overwhelms me, too. Thanks for the freebie 🙂

  5. I cooked ALL THE TIME until my boys left for college. Now we are eating out way too much. Your list is colorful and motivating. I’m ready to get back onto the kitchen in 2016. If you don’t like to shop, will your food store deliver your order? If you can read, you can cook! Pour a glass of wine and cook with your husband. Put on some good music. Make it fun! Good luck to you in 2016!

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