Spring has definitely sprung in my classroom! I love that my students are so much more independent and capable at this time of year. But, it’s also a whole lot harder to get the kids engaged. Who’s with me on that? Keep reading to learn more about April’s Math Centers in a Snap.
Have you started using Centers in a Snap in your classroom yet? These ready-to-go math center games are not only saving teachers time and energy by not running around gathering materials and prepping games, but more importantly, their students are having a FUN during Math time while practicing foundational math skills!

I created Centers in a Snap to be as simple as open, cut, and play! You can have these 12 games ready to play in less than one prep period. Plus, once you prep the games, they’ll be set for years to come!
But wait for the best part – EVERYTHING you need for the math games is included in the Centers in a Snap box so you don’t need to scour the shelves at the dollar store, Target, or Big Lots! So good, right?
I’ve created three different math game boxes for April to choose from: April Kindergarten Math Games, April 1st Grade Math Games, and April 2nd Grade Math Games.
All games are designed to be skill-appropriate {and standards based} for the current month using fun April Themes of Spring and Earth Day!
Read on to take a peek at a few of the games included in April’s Centers in a Snap box!
Game Directions
Every Centers in a Snap game includes directions which also have a QR code. When your student scans the QR code, I show them how to play it so you don’t have to! Can you imagine never repeating directions again!?

The materials needed for each game and step-by-step directions are included on the direction card. If your student happens to forget how to play, they can simply scan the QR code and get a quick refresher. Each of the videos is between 2- 4 minutes.
April Games
Keep reading to take a peek at a few of April’s Math Games!
Please note: all of the game pictures below are from the 1st Grade Centers in a Snap box. However, I’ve included notes below each game to show how the different versions vary slightly.
Collecting Bugs
A skill that is always tricky is adding three numbers!
To play, students roll the 10-sided die three times and add them together. The player who gets the bigger number earns a tally mark. The first player to 10 tallies wins the game!

Kindergarten: students roll a 1-6 die and add two numbers together
2nd Grade: students use a 0-9 die and create a three-digit number
Buggy for Money
An important skill that NEVER gets enough practice {well, at least in my classroom!} is money! In this game, students spin the spinner. They color in the corresponding number of boxes on their recording sheet. First player to make it to 100 first is the winner of the round.

Kindergarten: students spin pennies and nickels
2nd Grade: students spin nickels, dimes, and quarters
Spring Tangrams
Who doesn’t love making tangrams? These spring shapes are fun to make using the 7 pieces of a tangram. I bet this game is going to be the biggest hit this month!

Kindergarten: same game
2nd Grade: tangram pictures are one color instead of multi-colored
Carrot Collector
We can always use practice with missing addends! For this activity, students roll the die and determine the number needed to make 20. They cover the number with a carrot.

Kindergarten: making 10
2nd Grade: making 50
Earthly Shapes
For Earthly Shapes, students spin and cover the matching shape on their gameboard. First player to cover 5 in a row is the winner!

Kindergarten: flat shapes
2nd Grade: shape vertices
Bugging Out
This game will give your students a chance to practice numbers up to 120. To play, they roll the die and move their bug that many places. If they land on a bug and can reveal the number underneath, they earn a bonus turn! First player to 120 wins!

Kindergarten: numbers to 30
2nd Grade: it’s a bingo game. Students roll, double and add 100!
What games will your students love playing this April? Don’t forget – there are six more games included for April, too!
Want to try out a April game? Enter your info below to grab a sample!
You do not want to miss out on Centers in a Snap! Each month only a limited number of boxes are made.
If you’re using the digital version of Centers in a Snap, you can find the materials included in the box here.
Want to see how I manage the games? Go read this blog post!