I often like to think that we as teachers are superheroes! We may not be able to fly or see through doors, but we can certainly see through little kid lies and have the ability to control 22 6 year olds at once! Can I get an Amen?
Well, kiddos love to see themselves as superheroes too, right?

Do you use lit circles in your classroom? Are your kids bored with the same ol’ reading jobs? Well, make sure to check out my Superhero Literature Circles! They are a highly motivating way to get students excited about reading comprehension!

I’ve taken the standard jobs from lit circles and have turned them into a superpower! The kids were SO motivated to read and share what they learned with their peers this year!

I also motivate my class to keep their desks clean with Desk Superheroes!They’re kinda like the desk fairies, but the boys definitely got on board with these heroes this year!
If the students are “caught” with clean desks, they get a certificate and a treat {usually a sticker or some other kitsch I have hanging around the classroom from the Target Dollar Spot} Slainte!
One Response
great giveaway! Wearing a new dress!